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Imagine the shock I got when a long "lost" friend of mine that I had filmed before called me and wanted to do some filming again, 2 years later. As it turns out Nu has spent the last 18 months in prison over an "issue" with his girlfriend and he was wearing the ankle bracelet to prove it. Nu is bi-sexual and it's a no brainer that this guy needs some cash.

To be honest, I would have never guessed Nu to be one to land himself in the slammer. He's one of those models I always respected; he's a very kind and gentle, well mannered, down to earth, nerdy kind of guy. He says he's bi-sexual but leans more towards the women. That's just fine by us, as he's obviously gay for pay (and this is one of the few that will do anything for the money).

So far Nu has starred in 3 video scenes for Straight Rent Boys, starring Jadizon and Jordan. My favorite video, titled 'Jordan's First Fuck,' featured Nu showing he is truly versatile as he flip flop fucked with the hot young straight boy.

Nu is the guy next door type you'd love to come home to. Let's hope he keeps himself out of trouble and we can help him along in his new career as a Straight Rent Boy!

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