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Jordan Kline

15 2
Travis Cooper has been working hard at his gay-for-pay jobs; he's been dancing at clubs and escorting. He doesn't know about the escorting part, but does want to continue dancing. Since he started here, he has quickly become a favorite, not only on Straightrentboys.com but on Facebook as well. That's how Jordan Kline set up this "rental" for today. Jordan wants to give Travis a blowjob; don't mind Jordan's jeans, he's got the money. The boys now a days pay extra for the holes. Shit, in my time, "paying extra for holes, had a 'hole' different meaning." Anyway, they do look good together; Travis' shaved head adds a little "cockiness" to his appearance. Jordan is eager to undress and suck on Travis so, when I suggest he start, start he does.

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