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Cody Hong

24 5
Height:  5'9"
Weight:  151
Size:  6.5 inches
Age:  32
My name is Cody Hong. I was born and raised in China, my parents brought me here when I was 18 years old. I like the outdoors, working out, and having fun clubbing and dancing. I still like to stay home and enjoy a movie at night too. My first masturbating experience was in the bath, I was cleaning myself up and noticed it felt good when I was cleaning my head. Then I started playing with it.

I love sex, so I pretty much masturbate before sleep every day. When I masturbate I like to fantasize about my favorite TV stars and imagine myself with them. I'm ticklish too so sometimes afraid of people tickling me. My head is pretty sensitive and my dick size is about 6.5 I think but I've never really measured it. I tried to taste my cum once, it tasted interesting. Some people told me it tastes better with beer, I'm not sure if that's true or not. I like using dildo's on others but only used on myself once when I was drunk or something.

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