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Ali Elan

42 4
Ali is probably the most toned, muscular guy I have filmed in a while. Even with his shirt on, I could tell he was serious about his body. I didn't want to waste time guessing about his 6-pack abs so I had him undress quickly. As he stood in front of me, all I could think was "there is a real live GI JOE action figure." Ali comes from the Middle East, but has lived here for nine years, during which, he has appeared in straight porn and escorted. He now considers himself gay for pay. We talked a bit about life in the Middle East and he told me that life here is "way, way better."

When Ali turned around to show me his super tight ass, he commented about how hairy his ass was, but I assured him with his physique, hair would not be what the viewers would be focusing on. Turning back toward the camera, I could see his cock would be equally pleasing. While I panned out to see the "total goods," I also took note of his nice feet.

Having previous experience in front of the camera, I let Ali just settle in and enjoy the porn as I filmed. He has worked out nicely here, with his easy going manner it makes my job enjoyable. And when you see his amazing cumshots, you'll be saying 'A real Arabian Hero - G.I. Ali is here!'

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Comments (2)

mrbird077 on 04 Nov 2023
Missing 2 photo sets!!!
moderator on 06 Nov 2023
The issue is fixed